Bristol Resident Helps Build a Path to Sobriety

Bristol Resident Helps Build a Path to Sobriety

Bristol, Va. – Life can throw some tough challenges, and it takes a special person to stand tall and help others facing similar hardships. This week’s community hero does just that, lending a hand to those battling addiction and giving them a fresh start. Meet Zac Holt, the Founding Pastor and Director of Bristol Lifestyle Recovery.

Holt’s journey is a testament to the power of resilience and faith. He candidly shares, “There were a lot of years in my life where I struggled with substance abuse. That took me to some really dark places, had me in and out of jail, on and off the streets. And eventually, it landed me back in jail where I had kind of an encounter and experience. My eyes were opened to God’s love in a way I’d never experienced before.”

After that transformative moment, Holt decided to make a change. He went to seminary school and established Bristol Lifestyle Recovery, a beacon of hope for many struggling with addiction. The organization is more than just a recovery center; it instills a sense of purpose and community among its members.

One of the core principles Holt emphasizes is the idea of giving away what one has received. He explains, “I teach these men how to give away their faith, give away their lives, give away their recovery, how to live on mission, how to live lives that are not about themselves.” This philosophy has inspired numerous initiatives within the organization, such as the haircut ministry, flea market ministry, and basketball ministry.

The results of these efforts are nothing short of remarkable. Lives are changing, and men who once found themselves at their lowest are now thriving and helping others. Holt beams with pride as he says, “Getting to celebrate with them in these victories, in these wins, is incredible. A lot of these guys have never had anybody say, ‘I believe in you, you can do this.’ To see them come alive in that, not just for themselves, but to see it replicate to guys that they’re now pouring into who are learning how to pour into other guys, is magical.”

As the outreach grows, so do Holt’s ambitions. He is committed to expanding the organization to help even more people in need. “We always say, if we can, we will. And if we’re able to, we’ll come beside them.” This unwavering dedication is what makes him truly special and a hero in the eyes of those he helps.

Through the various branches of Bristol Lifestyle Recovery, Holt ensures that every client has multiple avenues to rebuild their lives while also giving back to the community. The organization’s initiatives like the haircut ministry allow individuals to practice kindness and empathy, while programs such as the flea market ministry offer practical job skills and a sense of responsibility.

In a world where hope can sometimes seem scarce, Holt and his team are proving that with the right support and belief, anyone can turn their life around. They provide a safe space for those battling addiction to find their footing and build a future, not just for themselves, but for others around them. This ripple effect of positive change is a testament to the power of community and human connection.

As more people hear about the inspiring work being done at Bristol Lifestyle Recovery, Holt hopes that the message of love, faith, and second chances will continue to spread. He believes that recovery is not just about overcoming addiction but about creating a life filled with purpose and meaning.

In summary, Zac Holt’s life and work are shining examples of courage, compassion, and resilience. By turning his own struggles into a platform for helping others, he is making a profound impact on countless lives. Through the innovative programs and unwavering support offered at Bristol Lifestyle Recovery, Holt is not only changing individual lives but also strengthening the fabric of the entire community. If ever there was a true community hero, Zac Holt certainly fits the bill.

Author: HERE Bristol

HERE Bristol

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