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Bristol Introduces Therapy Dog Jingle to Support Student Mental Health at Viking Academy

Bristol Introduces Therapy Dog Jingle to Support Student Mental Health at Viking Academy

Bristol Welcomes New Therapy Dog, Jingle, to Support Students

BRISTOL, Tenn. – Progress on the mental wellness front in schools!

Exciting news for the students of Bristol, Tennessee! The Bristol Tennessee Board of Education recently introduced a new furry friend to their school system – a cute three-month-old Goldendoodle named Jingle. This delightful little dog is set to become a therapy companion for students, particularly at Viking Academy, where there has been an increasing focus on mental health and support following the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

At the board meeting, Chair Eric Cuddy shared his enthusiasm, saying, “I love dogs. I mean, I love dogs. I know how they brighten everybody’s day.” His passion reflects a larger vision within the Board of Education, which aims to have therapy dogs in all local schools. Cuddy emphasized the importance of these therapy dogs, stating, “Our goal is to have therapy dogs in all of our schools. It’s vital for us to do that.”

Jingle will primarily assist students who are navigating feelings of anxiety, which, as Cuddy pointed out, has seen a significant rise among the young learners. He remarked, “Studies have shown how therapy dogs just bring out the best in students who are struggling with anxiety issues. So, we’re excited that Jingle is going to be at Viking Academy here in a couple of weeks.”

Before Jingle can begin her important role, she will undergo training with a local dog trainer from Abingdon, Virginia. The decision to bring therapy dogs into the schools stemmed from inspiration gained by the Bristol Tennessee Director of Schools, Annette Tudor, during a school board conference in Nashville last year. Cuddy reminisced about the exciting moment: “She came out of that breakout session, she said, ‘Y’all, I have to tell you about the use of therapy dogs.’ We all were like, Oh, we’ve gotta find a way to do this.”

The Board of Education received a generous boost, being one of only five school systems in Tennessee to secure a $10,000 grant from the state, intended to cover the expenses related to Jingle’s purchase, training, and veterinary care. Cuddy expressed his hopes for future funding: “Hopefully, we’ll be able to get some more of those grants. If not, I really think it’ll be something that we really try to make a budget line item, because it’s so important.”

A teacher from Viking Academy will serve as Jingle’s primary handler, and a secondary handler will also be designated for times when the main handler isn’t available. Cuddy explained, “Her handler will be a teacher from Viking Academy. So, we’re currently taking applications from the teachers there to see who’s going to be her handler.” This arrangement ensures that Jingle will have continuous support and companionship during her time at school.

Jingle will spend her days roaming the halls of Viking Academy and having one-on-one sessions with students who need her comforting presence. Cuddy highlighted her availability, sharing, “She’ll be at the school every day, from the time it opens till the time it closes.” If a student needs a quiet moment to gather themselves, they can visit Jingle in her handler’s office. “If the situation arises that a student needs time out, needs to take a break, is dealing with a panic attack or anything like that, then she can go to the handler’s office where Jingle will be and spend time just one-on-one,” he added.

But the love for furry friends doesn’t stop there! An exciting development has also come from Tennessee High School, where a teacher has volunteered her own puppy for therapy dog training. With Jingle at Viking Academy and this new puppy soon joining the ranks, the school system is on its way to establishing a solid therapy dog program.

As a hypoallergenic breed, Jingle’s presence is expected to minimize concerns regarding allergies for students. Cuddy reassured parents, stating, “We shouldn’t have a problem, but if that’s a concern, then, you know, we can ensure that a child isn’t around Jingle.” They are also prepared to respect parents’ wishes if they prefer their child to remain aloof from therapy dogs.

In addition to bringing Jingle aboard, the school leaders have partnered with Frontier Health, assigning a full-time therapist to the school system to further support students in need.

Curious about Jingle’s day-to-day activities? Follow her adventures on Instagram (@BTCS_Paws) where you can catch a glimpse of how this lovable pup is making a difference!

With initiatives like Jingle’s therapy dog program, Bristol is demonstrating its commitment to supporting its students’ mental health and ensuring they have access to the help they need.

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Author: HERE Bristol

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